19 June 2012

i'm to tall... or maybe the population of girls my age are just to short! or maybe no one is to tall or too short, there is only the people making really super short shorts making me think i'm to tall for what they say is normal length.

I have issues. More specifically i have issues with the clothes people are making for girls my age. Is it just me? Or does every one els feel like shorts are always too short on you, or when you actually find a pair that are "longer" they are that awful - right to the knee length? {well some people can pull that off but i am not one of them}.

Last year we did the whole shorts a litter shorter thing... And it didn't really work out... I grew a few inches and now the shorts are short shorts. { is that how you spell short? haha it just looks so weird next to shorts} Now i'm running around wearing hoochie shorts and it seems i will never find any good shorts that are an appropriate length.

Then i went to Kohl's! Have I ever told you how much I adore Kohl's? There amazing clothes, there awesome dressing rooms {all of the hooks are labeled "back on the rack", "might get it", "Buying This", "Things to try on", "Purse",} the amazing sales they have, the amazing shoes and the amazing long {but now to the knee long} shorts! I think i'm in heaven! Ohhhhh-eeeeeee! Have you guys done your summer shopping yet? I suggest trying Kohl's... {but you don't have to... the Kohl's we had when we lived in Florida was awful, so i understand if you have had a bad Kohl's experience}

I recently turned my best friend into a Kohl's Person {i wish there was some cool lingo like a Max-a-nista for T.J. Max - note to self, must come up with something later} The Kohl's near her house had the dressing rooms on Video surveillance... creepy right? they said that only woman were watching but still. *shudder...

 I have to end this now because its time for dinner, so byee! But have a great week!


P.S. because it feels wrong to post without posting a picture... I present to you.

le random photo.

le random photo is actually not that random though because i had my jazz/ballet recital saturday and thats what this is from.. .but yeahhh i have to go.


  1. Hahaha. I am 5'9" and have experienced the hoochie shorts syndrome countless times...it's absolutely horrible. Lovely photo!


    1. it tuely awful isn't it? thanks for the comment! glad to know i'm not alone!

  2. Love the picture! And yeah shorts are getting shorter now! But I'm pretty short (5'2 at most) so I don't have much of a problem!
    Kimmy x

  3. oooohh... that's a really pretty background!

  4. yeah, maybe i am or am not small for my age.

    *♥Thanks For Being Awesome!♥*

    I hope that's ♫♪♫♪♫♪ to your ears!



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